Recently sold paintings
The Doors that Present Themselves
By Jen Goodman Linn, You Fearless, New York City, NY
Dean Baer is an extremely talented artist who combines Abstract and Impressionism styles and describes his artwork as “Expressionist”.
Emotions drive Kiel native's paint brush
By Gina Kabat, TC News correspondent, Kiel, WI
There are no words to describe the artistic accomplishments of Dean Baer-his artwork loudly speaks for itself.
The Intersection of Art and Wine: Award-winning Artist Selected in National Wine Label Competition
Safety Harbor, FL (PRWEB)
What do Picasso, Kandinsky, and Chagall have in common with Dean Baer? They have all designed stunning art to adorn the labels of prestigious wines. MORE
Side by Side Wine available in support of Azalea Charities Aid for Wounded Warriors program. MORE
SIDE BY SIDE unveiled at the British Embassy in Washington, D.C. (excerpt from The Washington Times, October 15, 2008)
* Numerous articles available on the web

First showing in NJ with my son Matthew at my side.

Kern Memorial Event with fellow Veterans.

Freedom of Expression presentation at NMMC.

Side by Side unveiling at the British Embassy in Washington DC

Azalea Charity event to raise money for Wounded soldiers

"Cherry Blossom" auctioned at charity event in Washington DC

FOX News interview on Veterans day

Presentation of Side by Side painting at The National Museum of the Marine Corps to a wounded British soldier.

Event in Bakersfield, CA

Washington DC Firehouse. Dedicated a print to those who first responded after attacks of 9/11

Signing at charity event in Washington DC area.

NBC interview in Bakersfield, CA

Freedom of Expression signing at National Museum of the Marine Corps Quantico, VA

Charity event in Reston, VA

At Peace image selected by Capital Grille inaugural artist wine

Roma Italy

Proud Warriors sold to support Aid for Wounded Soldiers

Side by Side unveiling at British Embassy in Washington DC

Print presented to Fire Station in Washington DC after 9/11

Event to raise money in support of children in crisis.

Showing at Gallerie Harwood outside of Montreal Canada

At Peace wine unveiling in Cherry Hill, New Jersey

Florence Italy

Capital Grille "At Peace" event

Side by Side wine unveiled in support of Azalea Charities Aid for Wounded Warriors project

"Urban" presented to my son's college Radford University, Virginia

Freedom of Expression Painting Presented to The Marine Corps Heritage Foundation in Support of The National Museum of The Marine Corps